Cloud Application Protection Services

Opt for an all-in-one solution covering WAF, bot management, API protection, client-side protection, and application DDoS protection.

Guard your applications, command your environment, and unlock the potential of your business

Your applications serve as the primary drivers of revenue, catalysts for growth, and key tools for customer engagement. Consequently, it is crucial to address vulnerabilities arising from your expanding perimeter and adapt to the evolving threat landscape without overwhelming your business. Nysroc provides comprehensive business protection through a unified platform encompassing industry-leading WAF, bot management, API protection, client-side protection, and application-level (Layer 7) web DDoS protection. This unified portal caters to all your application security needs, offering cutting-edge application and API protection (WAAP) that facilitates business agility and growth without hindrance.

Irrespective of the diverse environments in which you operate, Nysroc offers flexible solutions. Notably, Nysroc SecurePath™ presents an innovative API-based cloud architecture ensuring consistent, top-tier, and comprehensive application security across any cloud, accompanied by centralized visibility and management.

Opt for complete application protection, covering browser-side, server-side, and everything in between

Nysroc SecurePath™ Empowers Application Security Across All Cloud Environments.™

Secure Applications Across Distributed Environments

Decreased Latency | Route Consistency | SSL Individuality | Improved Uptime

Stay Secure While Your Business Thrives

Effortlessly Scale and Manage Your Application Security with Nysroc’s Application Protection as a Service, Tailored for Business Growth, Application Architecture Evolution, and Cloud Environment Expansion.
Providing end-to-end security for your entire application environment.

Application Protection-As-A-Service

Investigate How Organizations Perceive Application and API Security Awareness, Best Practices, Strategies, and How Different Roles Manage Application Security.

Application Protection for Any Cloud

Ensure Application Security Across Hybrid Environments with an Array of Top-Tier, Adaptable Security Tools, Conveniently Consolidated in a Single Platform.

API Protection

Today's Application Development and Delivery Environments are Highly Dynamic and Flexible, Integrating Independent Components to Ensure Secure Application Delivery

Bot Management

NYSROC Bot Manager Delivers Comprehensive Security for Web Applications, Mobile Apps, and APIs, Safeguarding Against Automated Threats.

Client-Side Protection

Safeguard the Data Path Between End Users' Browsers and Third-Party Services by Expanding NYSROC's Security Coverage to Your Application Supply Chain.

On-Prem Application Delivery & Security

Leverage ADCs and Cybersecurity Solutions to Attain Peak Application Performance, Safeguarding Digital Assets and Their Underlying Data.

Driving Success Through Flexibility.

Discover How a Healthcare Provider Maintains Application Security and Empowers DevOps Through Frictionless Security After Transitioning Apps to Microsoft Azure.

An easily adoptable security system regular use

 Scalable Security, Untroubled Growth: Defend Your Applications Wherever They Roam with Cloud-Agnostic DDoS Protection
Stop Attacks in Their Tracks with These Proven Solutions

Cloud DDoS Protection Service

WAF, bot defense, API security, client protection, DDoS mitigation: Get it all with one solution offering.

Encrypted SSL Protection

NYSROC's comprehensive defense covers all versions of SSL/TLS and shields you from encrypted threats.

Advanced Cloud Network Analytics

Gain valuable insights into your traffic patterns, to optimize performance, identify potential issues, and ultimate knowledge of a protected network.

Multi-Layered DDoS Protection

NYSROC's Threat Intelligence Subscriptions can be a valuable addition to your application and network security measures.

A Security Stack You Would Actually Use

With NYSROC Application Protection as a Service, you can easily manage and scale your application security as you grow your business, evolve your application architecture, and expand your cloud environments and services.
Enjoy a blanket of security for your entire application environment.

Cloud Firewall-as-a-Service

A strong cloud network firewall solution enabling dirty traffic restriction before it reaches your own network.

DNS DDoS Protection

Preventing users from losing access to their websites, services and APIs when DNS server gets attacked.

5G Protection Solution

Securing all protection points of 5G networks. Offering maximum coverage, accurate detection, and the shortest protection time.

Application Protection for Any Cloud

Protecting applications in variety of environments with a single platform inclusive of high-grade security tools.

End-to-end Public Cloud Protection Solution

Complete range of cloud security solutions that deliver cutting-edge and consistent security measures across various cloud environments, development platforms, and threat surfaces.

In-Depth Reports and Analysis

Up to date Cybersecurity news, updates and developments

Recent Web DDOS threats & how to stay protected.

Explore the latest trends and findings about application protection in a multi-cloud world.

2023 H1 Global Threat Analysis Report.

Gather key data and intelligence to preemptively refine your protections against the latest cyberattacks.

IDC Spotlight: DevSecOps and Application Security

Discover current trends and research about safeguarding applications in a multi-cloud setting.

End of year report: 2022 State of API Security

Majority of Companies Consider Their APIs to Be Insufficiently Secured.


Trusted By Over 12,500 Enterprises in 80+ Countries

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